how to make sidewalk chalk paint without cornstarch

how to make sidewalk chalk paint without cornstarch

what if we explore the possibility of creating sidewalk chalk paint without cornstarch, and what other alternatives could be used in its place?

The Magic of Cornstarch in Chalk Paint

Cornstarch has been a staple ingredient in sidewalk chalk paint for years. Its unique properties allow the paint to flow easily when wet but become solid and hold its shape when dry. This makes it perfect for creating vibrant and long-lasting designs on sidewalks, driveways, or any outdoor surface you can imagine.

However, some might wonder if there are other materials that could serve as an alternative to cornstarch in making sidewalk chalk paint. Let’s dive into this question and explore the possibilities.

Alternatives to Cornstarch

One possible alternative to cornstarch is flour. Flour, like cornstarch, is a thickening agent and can help give the paint a smooth texture. However, unlike cornstarch, flour does not have the same water-binding properties. Therefore, it may require more water to achieve the right consistency. Additionally, the paint made with flour will be less durable and may not last as long as the one made with cornstarch.

Another option is to use a mixture of cornstarch and flour. This combination might provide better results than using either ingredient alone. However, it is essential to find the right ratio to ensure the paint has the right consistency and durability.

For those who prefer a natural alternative, oatmeal can be used. Oatmeal is a good thickener and can also add color to the paint. However, oatmeal is less common than cornstarch and flour, so finding it might be a challenge. Moreover, the paint made with oatmeal may not have the same binding properties as those made with cornstarch or flour.

Creating Sidewalk Chalk Paint Without Cornstarch

Now that we have explored some alternatives to cornstarch, let’s see how to create sidewalk chalk paint without it. Here is a simple recipe that uses flour as the thickening agent:


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup water
  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of water.
  2. Stir the mixture until it forms a smooth paste. If the mixture is too thick, add more water; if it is too thin, add more flour.
  3. Add food coloring to the mixture, if desired, and stir well.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a squeeze bottle or a plastic bag with a small hole cut out of the corner.
  5. Use the paint to create designs on your chosen surface.


  • For best results, let the paint sit for at least 30 minutes before using it.
  • Test the paint on a small area first to ensure it works as expected.
  • Store the paint in an airtight container when not in use.


While cornstarch has been a popular choice for making sidewalk chalk paint, there are other ingredients that can be used as alternatives. Flour, oatmeal, and a combination of these ingredients can be used to create durable and colorful paint. By following the recipe provided, you can create your own sidewalk chalk paint without cornstarch and enjoy the fun of painting on your outdoor surfaces.

  1. Q: What are the properties of cornstarch that make it ideal for sidewalk chalk paint?

    • A: Cornstarch has the ability to flow easily when wet and become solid and hold its shape when dry, which is perfect for creating vibrant and long-lasting designs on outdoor surfaces.
  2. Q: Can I use flour instead of cornstarch in sidewalk chalk paint?

    • A: Yes, flour can be used as an alternative to cornstarch. However, it may require more water to achieve the right consistency, and the paint made with flour may not be as durable as those made with cornstarch.
  3. Q: How do I know if the paint made with flour is ready to use?

    • A: Let the paint sit for at least 30 minutes after mixing to allow the ingredients to fully combine. If the mixture is still too thick, add more water; if it is too thin, add more flour.